Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fulfillment of the Great Law

Recognize when there comes to you the return of your misqualified energies. Take thine responsibility for being His Creative Individualization. 

Release projecting thy misqualifications onto others and the world around you.

Re-feel and re-experience the misqualified energy by allowing yourself to recapture the thoughts and feelings that are returning to you for redemption into Light.

Then lastly, redeem the misqualified imperfect vibration of energies by applying the fifth .. sixth .. and the seventh power .. of the Embracing Eternity Exercises .. by invisioning the particular Flame that the Host radiates to you through your own Christ Light .. impregnating yourself with that through breathing it into your consciousness .. and offering into the flame that misqualified return of your soul's energies .. and then chant deeply and fully while invisioning and breathing deeply .. through the seventh power of invitation .. and allow yourself to be ok with the misqualified imperfect vibration as it is embraced by you.

Do this application a few times with your chosen decree of I AM ... which is your becoming the Conscious Commander for your own Transfiguration into Light.

As master of this process in fulfilling the law .. you become the Christ of your own Godhood .. the Self Directive Governing I AM.

When we take responsibility for the inner and outer experiences that we are having .. pleasant or unpleasant .. that is the first aspect of fulfilling His great Law of Harmonization necessary to heal all pain and conflict.

When we receive back into our heart .. Our feelings .. those qualities of the experience we are having .. without any judgment from us on the  pleasantness or how unpleasant those qualities and experiences are .. we fulfill the second aspect of His great Law of Harmonization.

When we ask for the Host and their Omnipotent Forgiveness Flame of Love to come to us and .. quicken the vibration .. and thereby erase from our soul field of experience that unpleasantness ..  that we set into existence .. then we have fulfilled the three aspects of His great Law of Harmonization.

Follow Me in this understanding .. and you will become gradually free from every mistake and unpleasant future and present day experience.  You will be mastering your field of consciousness .. and you will be preparing each day for the graduation from this level of life .. in the initiation of the Eternal Embrace of all lifetimes.

Christ Michael Aton

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Kingdom of Our Godhood is One

We enter beloveds into a relationship with the One Life .. a religion of personal experience in doing the will of God and serving the Kingdom upon the earth. In my life here .. this bestowal into the fold of my children .. I am honoring both the human and the divine by seeking to blend both together as One. As I am of the Order of Michael, I have the given capacity to extend directly from Paradise to the most primitive places in creation the understanding patterns and precepts of the Persons of the Paradise Trinity.

On earth, this begins with understanding the eternal marriage . . .

This is the eternal marriage of the human bride and the divine bridegroom; for only the Father Force can penetrate the lesser in Its Omnipotence. In my own unfoldment demonstration of this .. I must make myself receptive as a man of this human realm. I offer into this burgeoning marriage my adoration and allegiance .. my awareness and acceptance of the Divine Spirit of my Father God.
In this simple way I allow Him to blend and upgrade my limited humanity with Him. Followers in the past have failed to create a unified religion which might have given proper recognition to both the human and the divine natures.. as they are inseparably bound up in the earth life.

My approach into this great Ideal that we all share together as one first and foremost to bring balance and justice .. harmony .. to any and all the human imperfectly vibrating energies that I discover in my human selfhood…the four bodies of expression. This is the fulfillment of law which must be adhered to … before … again.. before … we can fully live the Father’s will by becoming more of His perfected identity and divinely perfect nature. And so … I come to you with this reminder .. that you cannot place “new wine into old skins”; as was so gloriously set forth in the original gospel of the kingdom placed forth over the centuries. One of the few statements that did survive through the ages.

My strongest pronouncements were an affirming demonstration of the righteous use of our free will as His Individualization. In my own wholehearted devotion to living and becoming this great Ideal, I consecrate my mortal selfhood .. unreservedly dedicating this human mind to doing my Father’s will.
My discourses and sayings are more of a personal confession of faith and my pledge of devotion .. showing you .. and sharing with you .. my way.

These are my commands to my own Godhood as a demonstration of the great and wise use of my free will in the expression of my desire and dedicated devotion to be preparing to enter into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty because now and even then in the times of olden Jerusalem .. I sought to establish His Sovereignty in me and through me by dissolving into Him all the baser elements of my humble humanity.

And it is this very singleness of attention, awareness, priority, purpose, and unselfish devotion that enabled me to effect such extraordinary progress in the conquest of my human mind in one short life. Many of my declarations should be considered as a confession of what I am demanding of myself rather than what I required of all my disciples and followers. You too, must demand to live higher and brighter in accordance with this Ever-Present Ideal. In our devotion to the cause of widening the divine influences of the Father’s kingdom, we are required out of necessity to burn all bridges behind us, and to die psychologically to all that will prevent this great unfoldment. To sacrifice all hindrances and every obstruction within our human soul field of density to the doing of our Father’s will. This then, allows our field to evolve and progress from density wherein resistance and rebellion exist due to the human defense mechanisms, and the many lifetimes of the materializing energies of these lower octaves. We then begin to inhabit a field of receptivity which is highly magnetizing to the light.
In our association together, I would expect from you .. if you are sincerely doing the preparatory activities in plowing thy field of the human personality soul .. that you would be in contact and intimate use with the divine mirror and it’s powerful use to reclaim all that you have sown throughout the cycle of incarnations.

Christ Michael Aton

Monday, June 23, 2014

Soul Country

To become Sovereign is to own thyself by entering into the Kingdom of our own Light and inner Life. We allow the Paradise Father Fragment or Spark of God which motivates us to establish for us its perpetual harmony and order.

How? By applying with righteousness and dedication our free will power and authority as a child of the Trinity Source. You have the authority and right, the power and ability, to take dominion over everything within you that is not in alignment with happiness and harmony.

And when this begins to occur for you through right understanding of your creative nature .. you will transform thy personality soul with His Light and Life. You will be remaking thyself in His likeness and in His image which Is His Immaculate Conception.  That is how you were created to be .. One with the Father Fragment. He is your destination. Your destiny...

Sovereignty is taking possession of thyself in mind and emotion so that the things of the world do not make you a slave to their vibrational qualities. So that the lowest nature in you is placed under your control and transformed into your highest nature. This is the initiation that I demonstrate today .. the required and necessary progression from a human being with imperfections and limitations .. into a Supreme God .. who is Sovereign over all of your personal terrain... the country of thine own soul.

Sovereignty is becoming your own king or queen within your personal soul domain. That is your territory .. your country .. and it is your destiny to rule over that terrain with love and mercy.

Through becoming sovereign and at one with the everywhere present God Force, you mature and develop your God given talents and abilities, your individuality remains always, and your empowerment grows exponentially as you give control over to your deeper Selfhood which is the Spark of the Paradise Father.  He desires to become one eternally with you in this process of becoming Sovereign and Free. He must be allowed to transform the human imperfectly vibrating areas of your personality soul into His Pure and Perfect Harmony and Divine Order. He can only transfigure that heavier soul substance as you ask Him to .. and as you cooperate with Him in this achievement to make you into His true daughter or son.

Just like a country is sovereign and free to abide in its own laws and rule itself; the Paradise Father will rule over everything in and around you .. yet for your own upliftment out of love and intelligence because He is truly You. He will help you to enter into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy which is the Host of Heaven.

So .. rather than have other people's ideas rule you .. and have other opinions control you .. as you give your loyalty and allegiance .. your love and adoration .. to this indwelling Spark of God our Father .. He will make you into your own Sovereign Son or Sovereign Daughter; at one with Him.

Within your own personal universe of your soul .. you will reign as Sovereign. This is the intended meaning of entering into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty.

...and from this point of personal sovereignty,  you will be prepared each day if you learn to exchange the heavier thoughts and feelings for lighter qualities .. you will be achieving an inner sovereignty and freedom that is permanent and one with the Father.

I come into the Earth once again .. to clarify My original precepts and to help you become Sovereign as His son or daughter established in Truth, Beauty, and His Goodness.

I AM thy Sovereign Son of this Universe..

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Voice of Mercy

“At The JSM Eternal Verities Institute we have designed a way for individuals who love God and desire to be more like Him .. to grow into becoming sincere aspirants who seek the greater life more abundant .. to enter into the Kingdom of His Love and Mercy .. preparing to bring completion and graduate from the evolution of the Earth .. to become a candidate of the Eternal Embrace through the threefold initiation of union with the Spark of God within them.

“These are a living part of Mine Private Writings for aspirants, awakening greater depth in relationship, realization, and remembrance of your Divine Inheritance and Authority. By actively and righteously applying your power to recognize the One Father, receive Him in all thine ways, and release His Energies of Perfection through the Conscious Commands of becoming the Self Directive Governing I AM in Expression, ye set thine existence upon a course of unstoppable Fulfillment, Harmony, and Order Divine.

“The Kingdom of His Sovereignty which my Father is establishing in the hearts of his earth children will become an eternal and everlasting dominion throughout the Earth. Once set up, His rule in each and every heart will raise all the humanity into His perfect harmony and order. There shall be this never-ending and continuous dominion of my Father in the hearts of only those who desire to do his divine will. And as this is the fact that I share with thee, only the meek, the humble and receptive, the contrite and thirsty shall inherit the Earth and all therein; for the Earth shall become raised into Her rightful place and position within this solar and galactic setting.

“I say unto thee, my beloved children, that my Paradise Father is not confined by human organization nor is He limited by dogmatic concepts in the minds of human beings. He is not the God only of this religion or that sect. All are welcomed into His Kingdom of Light, insofar as ye make thine decision to enter therein, and ye are willing and cooperative…eager and athirst to attain the living of His Will and Plan. All those receptive of my Father God shall come to sit down with us in the Father’s Kingdom, and yet, many shall refuse to enter this next two thousand year cycle wherein the omnipotence of His Love and Life shall reign supreme. Humanity shall experience interacting with the living network of His Supremacy…the Host of Heaven…and the Order of the Immortal Ones. My Father shall rule within all; for His spirit shall take up fuller residence in the hearts and minds, and bodies of the children of men.

“The power of His Sovereign Kingdom shall be comprised of the establishing of His glory…the living glory of His spirit which presides directly with each living soul and personality. This living spirit shall teach those receptive minds and will overtake rule within the hearts of the populace of this heavenly kingdom. The newly-found sons of God shall find themselves walking in a brotherhood of mercy wherein righteousness reigns over all supremely. Thine civilization shall become righteous and knowledgeable regarding the gift of free will. Peace and acceptance for any differences shall be reinstituted first in the soul of each personality, and then, it will be externalized in all the systems of this world. Thine race shall be made to evolve and mature in a more unlimited fashion. His Kingdom and Sovereignty is the fulfillment of all good men and women throughout all time and space within this planetary sphere. It is the everpresent hope of all and every Kingdom within this Earth. It will be the completion of a certain octave or frequency wherein all will have a greater ease and chance to graduate and complete their rounds of expression.

“Yet, for all those who have the courage and willingness to cooperate in order to enter into this Kingdom of Light, there will be the intensity of challenges and tests given in order to prime thee and make thee men and women who have become gods. Mankind…that is… each and every personality soul is really a stream or beam of consciousness, and consciousness is Life or God. That consciousness or awareness or stream of Life has capabilities that are naturally occurring in every second of our existence, and ye must be made mature in order to give my Father God His rightful dominion and power over all things of the Earth.

“Each and every child of God my Father holds or possesses the creative capabilities through their directive attention. This directive attention is the ability given to you each in order to give thine worship and praise unto thy Source and Creative Parent. There will be a necessity for each child to mature into their own sonship as a Self Directive Governing being, at one with the Principle of the I AM…the Father Principle that is this Stream of Life or Consciousness.

“The attention of mankind has been quite a bit hypnotized into focusing its creative power…its power to create vibration…into external imperfect conditions. Each day must be spent in certain time preparing for this next cycle of maturation for the species as a whole, and for every individualization of the One Father. Ye must learn to build thine life upon the righteous use of thine free will and creative beam of focus. I have offered thee exercises that will erase the old karmas and erroneous tendencies and begin instituting a new momentum that accumulates into a destiny of Light, rather than what has been occurring which is the materialization of mind, the materialization of the soul personality into denser and still denser vibrations which then the personality become completely unreceptive to anything that is at all finer in its frequency vibration….

“This is the return into the kingdom of heaven spoken of in olden times…But for you, my children, and for all others who would follow you into this Kingdom, there is set certain challenges. Faith and trust in the Father will allow you to enter into the consciousness of the Kingdom, yet, you must bring forth into your physical conditions and physical life the very fabric of my Father’s spirit if you would continue to become quickened into a much more illuminated and accelerated progressive unfoldment and evolution in the road which leads you to that greater divine fellowship. And I say this unto thee, not everyone will be able to pass through even the very first doorway of greater Life. Only those personality souls who yield within themselves a deep and mature, sincere and full desire to surrender all and sacrifice all to find God and enter His Kingdom therein. The doing and living of His Will is of primary and essential importance. Thine ability to alter the lifestyle ye have been enmeshed within, and to raise thine self into the eternal embrace for all time can only be accomplished with full determination, consecration, and cooperation in love and agility. Ye must fulfill His law and then this fulfillment will progressively allow thee to live His will and intent for you. These two components are the two prerequisites in order to enter the Kingdom of His Sovereignty; to allow Him to expand His Light, Life, and Love into and through thine physical being and subtle worlds.

“I beseech thee, each and every one soul . . . seek first the kingdom of God and enter into His righteousness, and in the fulfillment of His law, all lesser of importance will align for you, and all other concerns which are essential to find your victory in His progressive fulfillment…His everlasting survival… shall become established and secured with thee. His Kingdom of Light is now coming into this planet, and ye are becoming recircuited with the rest of the solar system and galaxy, yea, even taking up thine position and place within this our local universal creation. His Kingdom will have revealed no outer show, nor will this kingdom of my Father come with an outward demonstration of great power or with any kind of attractive revelation.

“Hence, if ye are too dense and materialized in mind and heart, then the Kingdom will have come and gone and ye shall be standing alone awaiting for your own version and preconceivings to be accomplished, yet no such outward demonstrations shall be revealed; for the Kingdom comes and invites into Its fold only those who stand ready and willing beforehand. All the rest must wait until a far distant future point in time when the cycle comes back around again on other planets wherein the evolutions are as yet unadvanced. Bother not going forward to speak about this coming Kingdom for it is already upon thee, and awaits thine entrance; for this kingdom of which I speak is God within you.

“Whosoever would become truly honored within my Father’s Kingdom shall be a minister unto all, and not for vanity sake, yet for the true and unadulterated motivation of doing good, thinking good thoughts, and expressing divinely good feelings, and speaking and acting in accordance with the unyielding purity of My Father’s immaculate character. Become then, he or she who seeks to serve within this coming Kingdom of His Righteousness and Sovereignty. Be as His sons and daughters truly… in this heavenly Kingdom which is becoming more pronounced even now, you are no longer servants but ye are His sons and daughters of the living God.

“This Kingdom of mine Father God shall build momentum amongst thine populace, and so shall this kingdom progress in the world until it shall obliterate every obstacle and all barriers within the minds and hearts of all men and women so that ye are brought to know my Paradise Father and ye are stirred to believe in these eternal verities which I have come once again to declare within thine midst.

“Even now is the Kingdom everpresent, and those with the ears to hear and the eyes to see shall even transcend physical body death as ye become taken upwards in thine evolutionary progression and development. Those of you who have the courage to follow unabashedly and willingly with gratitude and grace shall find thyself whisked into His Light eternally while yet retaining all the immaculate virtues of thine personality and individualized uniqueness. And you will sing praises unto He who gives thee Life in every second of thine existence…welcoming and honoring His coming reign with great and quiet power.

“Then, even as my Father’s Kingdom becomes established within your heart and mind, you will become ministers as of a simple white lily which become birthed and glorified directly out from the dirt and mud, the grounds of fertilize soil. You will become raised up to become a new class of men and women which have become birthed into distinction and honor, differing from all other men and women who have yet to find this royal road to Life and who as of yet still remain within the dust and grime of their own creations.

“You shall become illuminated and set eternally free forever, not quite now as men among men and women among women, yet as the illuminated citizens of greater pastures and field of light, a heavenly country among the endarkened and misinformed creatures of this dark and solemn world. It is thine destiny in light that ye live in just the very same way as those who have tasted the glories of a better life and have been sent back to earth as ambassadors of the Sovereign of that new and better world. The teacher is expected to possess and express more than that of the student; just as with the master of a house wherein he or she is expected more of than the servant. The newly emerged citizens of the heavenly Kingdom are required to be representatives in full measure compared to the citizens of the old earthly struggling rule. In thine white lily ministry focused upon expanding the greater understandings of the present population you will be obligated to abide by those teachings and principles which are the purest reflection of my personal divine ideals of the sort of mortal living which I seek to exemplify in my own earth life in the sacred act of revealing the everlasting principle and personality virtues and qualities of love and merciful compassion, of the Father who is in heaven.

“I have come forth to elucidate the way to liberty for all those spiritual captives who have not been able to understand better, and I bring with my person an endless joy and determination in the proclaiming of this said Kingdom, its approach, and its fulfillment in washing away all doubts and fears, healing all thine karmas and destructive tendencies and unfulfilled momentums which have carried you further away from the Father until now. Through this increase in understanding the necessary knowledge you will be able to heal every grain of thine inner and outer sickness, as ye blend and merge with Him… in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven. When you find thine self in distress, speak to thyself encouragingly and with patience and compassion, knowing the trail that ye have walked has been created by all those who have walked this very same road. Think to thyself of how glad you are to now know of this coming Kingdom, and the ways and means of entering therein.

“Grateful and exalted are those personality souls who need God and have become humble in His omnipotent presence…for theirs is the open doorway to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

“Overjoyed and honored are those souls who yet hunger and thirst to align with His righteousness, His law, and His will…for they shall be filled to overflowing as all their emptiness is taken away.

“Faithful and trusting are the meek who possess a contrite heart and willingness to take accounting for themselves…for they shall inherit all the riches of the earth.

“Unburdened are the pure in heart and the child-like of mind…for they shall have grown in the stature of their character having built an understanding of the perspective of eternity, and they shall see God.

“Greatly blessed and comforted are they who grieve to come closer unto my Father God…for they shall be acquitted of all error and sin, and shall be made ready to receive of their inheritance in light.

“Peaceful are the compassionate and the merciful without judgment…for they shall receive His mercy at the same time as it is given out from them.

“Prosperous and overflowing in supply are the peacemakers…for they shall be called into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty wherein all is given freely and to no end. These are the sons and daughters of God.

“Strong and courageous are they who are judged, laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed, even persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is truly the kingdom of heaven. For when others shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all unearned evil against you falsely…rejoice and be exceedingly glad to know of thine alignment and thy mastery; for great shall be thine reward in heaven.

“You are each the divine individualization of the One Father within time and space creation, localized to generate constructive expansion of His Kingdom of mercy and love. Ye are the very light of all the world. Stand tall in the fullness of thine divine consciousness and behold thineself…behold God in and of thine own Selfhood…thine very consciousness is Life Itself with full authority and creative prerogatives to set into motion the Kingdom of all Sovereignty and His all merciful Supremacy.

“Allow thine divine power and intelligence to outshine the darkness and in this all dark will become evicted and evaporated immediately. Bring glory and honor unto thine Father God, and He shall come closer unto thee with all His omnipotent Omnipresence and Omniscience flooding thine inner worlds and raising all thine atomic substance into His perfection; for your Paradise Father who is all-permeating also sits at the helm, the center and infinite source of existence.

“I am advising each one of you to bring forth the glory of my Father’s kingdom, and as you do bring forth His Kingdom, put your trust in the Father whose individualizations you are. Resist not the appearance of injustice; and put not your trust in the temporal and unsightly wickedness of the world’s justice system. Be thou willing to go through the temporal suffering of the appearances of injustice, and allow God’s justice to reign supreme over all in your trust in Him. Focus instead on being a kind and merciful minister to all that are within your sphere of influence. Receive and minister patiently and attentively in kindness and with mercy to all who are in distress and in need.; for the world is full to overflowing with those souls who have good intent and yet, have become imprisoned by the karmas of their past intendings. Help them to understand the law and how to fulfill it with unconditional love and acceptance, supreme knowledge and maturity, giving them your receivings with full attentive love.

“I do share with you each herein to have patience with those who seem needy and emotionally emptied. Love each as if it is thine very Selfhood that you are nurturing; for in truth, it is such. Give thine allowance and acceptance to those who hate and even despise you, bless those who curse you by allowing them their choices; for all that is sent outward unto others is impressed and imposed upon the force of Life of the giver, and it will be a day in their future that they are compelled to reap whatsoever they have sown. Pray for those who are users and selfish pranksters knowing that they too must come to account for all their misgivings and they will need your prayers in their distant future when they are called to redeem and repent from their wanton ways of unrighteousness and confusion. Let not thineself be used, but know that nothing can come into your field of life unless you too are vibrating to those very same frequencies; so be forthright and diligent, disciplined and humble in redeeming all that you may encounter around thee. And whatsoever you believe that I would do to men, do you also to them.

“Thine Paradise Father allows the rays of the sun to shine on all men and women regardless of their stature and consciousness. Be most fully the sons and daughters of God by upstepping thine character and by recognizing that you are His individualization that can hold consciousness of thyself as individual and as the One Whole; even more, you are now the living representations in matter of my Father’s Kingdom. Be thou merciful and just, in the very same way that ye perceive that God Himself is merciful and just, and in the eternal future of the Kingdom and even in this very moment in time and space…you shall be perfected, even as your heavenly Paradise Father is perfect.

“You are being supported to offer other men and women your acceptance for whatsoever conditions you may find them in. Judge them not for ye cannot perceive the fullness of the actions that either you or they have become involved within. Spend time embracing eternity by exchanging thine darkness and density for the light of your own God Force presence. Mercy and love will overflow as you seek God Himself and do it first and foremost in your lifetime here; for whatsoever you do not resolve here in the here and now will not automatically become washed clean after you pass away from this screen of life. Instead, seek even to raise thine soul and personality into His everlasting Light and through His Love drawn down into your physical conditions you will wash away all that you’ve been willing to see and be accountable for.

“At the end of your earth life you will all expect mercy and patience; so… I would ask of thee to show this same mercy and patience to all others and wherein you encounter obstructions to loving in your outside surroundings, know that this is merely the symbol of your inner obstructions that must be mastered through fulfillment of the law of your existence, and the living of the will of heaven, and the replacing of your character and attitudes of mortality and limitation with those of eternity and infinity. I would ask of thee from you during your mortal life that you show mercy to all of your brethren in the flesh. Make not the mistake of sitting in judgment of another and attempting to ‘pluck a mote out of your brother’s eye when there is a beam in your own eye.’ Having first cast the beam out of your own eye by your mastery of the divine mirror of life and the inquiry in fulfilling the law, you can all the better see fit to cast the mote out of your brother’s or sister’s eye.

“Walk with the discernment of the purified heart so that ye may perceive the truth most clearly; live thine life righteously and fearlessly when it comes time to take thine own accounting of any errors and misqualifications that will arise in you and around you in the world of effects; and so shall you be the true and lasting aspirants of my Paradise Father…His Individualizations who have become more completely Christic in thy frequency vibration. When it comes time wherein you are given something to accomplish in service within the Kingdom, lead not the blind with thine own blindness. Guide others into an understanding of His law and the righteous use of the embracing of eternity through your creative free will powers. Stand as clean and clear representatives of the righteous use and accountable strength in the way to properly enter into the kingdom; you must yourselves walk in the clear light of living truth. In all the unfolding business of the kingdom I counsel thee to demonstrate justice in your dealings with other, doing the right thing as thine conscience directs thee. Be keen and mature in thine expressions using wisdom, yet, be ever cautious to remain silent when wisdom dictates and when you are ill received simply direct thine Selfhood to others wherein you will be taken with respect and dignity.

“In discerning truth from falsehood I highlight herein for your discernments when opening yourself to others when it comes to money and teachings. Ideas seem harmless, yet they are living things that will corrupt you if left unattended. Seek thine inner wisdom and counsel of thine own Intelligence and ask not of others who do not have the purity and maturity to offer anything other than their own egotistical ignorance and painful rebelliousness to the Father. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every personality soul that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire at the time that they will transfigure all their human preconceived opinions and erroneous ideas of life. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of the divine consciousness of heaven, it is the inner motive that is seen by God. My Father looks into the hearts of men and takes accounting only by their inner longings and sincere intentions.

“Everyone who hears these words that I have offered unto thee and sincerely executes his inner directives to serve and assist shall find an abundant entrance into their greater service expression beyond this fleeting moment of thine lifetimes within the Earth itself.

The Kingdom of His Sovereignty awaits thine entrance with warmth and welcoming embrace.”

~Christ Michael Aton

All Authority is Given with Thine Allegiance and Adoration Applied

Mine Aspirants . . .

As the Supreme God Individualized, you hold all authority and power, all right and ability to fulfill His Law and live His Will.

You will do this only in one way regardless of your religious and spiritual persuasions; through the conscious command for the descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation.

This is the drawing down into your personality and soul field ... for purification and quickening ... the Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother Spirit  ... as She steps down Her Omnipotence through the Host of Heaven.

Thine brothers and sisters who have graduated from the evolutionary progression of the Earth schoolhouse have stayed to serve and help all others instead of going upward further unto the almost endless octaves that all go inward and upward to Paradise.

The descent of the Holy Spirit by your conscious command fulfills one portion of the law; that you desire with total devotion and dedication to have the Light of the Father's Presence take up residence in you. This is the first part of the eternal initiation that I did demonstrate 2,000 years ago, and I am here once again demonstrating the very same process of unfoldment for humanity.

This time, however, I will not undergo the death or dying process and the transcendence of death will be direct by going into light directly. I am showing you whilst here amongst thee the way of Paradise, and the approach that all who have graduated from the Earth and gone onwards...have made use of. ALl religious paths and spiritual avenues arrive at this destination. I am simply allowing all to arrive in their own timing, and I and the Mother and the Host await thine point of arrival here in understanding and application.

I teach you of the Embracing Eternity Exercises which give to you the empowerment to embrace eternity each day by exchanging the lesser vibratory substance for the higher light. This is the transfiguration which leads you into the resurrection and ascension. I am calling it the full atonement of the Eternal Embrace; embracing eternity each day to prepare thyself for the Eternal Embrace.

One of the righteous Powers of the EEE's is Invitation for the Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation:

Using the Powers of Invisioning or Imagination, Impregnation, and Invitation, the true aspirant activates their authority and rights as His Individualization.

You are becoming in fuller conscious awareness this Self Directive Governing I AM . . . the Individualization of the Great I AM...the Self Consciousness of God the Father in time and space; His experiential exploration and development is unfolding in you...and as You.

Invitation coupled with Impregnation, and Imagination allows you to apply Mine Ideal to enter into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty by expanding His Sovereign Presence in you and through your human imperfections. This transfigures the imperfect misqualifications of all your lifetimes into His Absolute Purity and Perfection. This is the fulfillment of the Pattern of Paradise...the Precepts of Paradise which are handed down to humanity by those who come in His name and with the comprehension of His Way, His Truth, and His Life.

Invitation, Impregnation, Imagination applied in one statement said slowly and deeply while breathing and seeing or visualizing the colors of this God Virtues as it becomes extended to you through the Host and through your own Godhood Presence...the Paradise Presence of the Spirit of the Father Source.

"I AM Blazing Sunshine the Majesty of Omnipotent Love Golden Yellow Fire Illumination from Above."

Christ Michael Aton

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Our Everlasting Fellowship Together

Here is what I ask of each of you in our association . . .

See the Lord thy God as the Animating Power and Intelligence who moves you in every step of thought and feeling and act. Dedicate your thoughts and acts to Him while transfiguring the olden mental ideas and emotional reactions to life.

See Him in every being, being aware of Him every moment of existence and be in communion with Him as the indwellor that is your nature and identity, and the all-permeating Presence that is in front of you and behind you, above you and beneath you as a physical person.

Work to transfigure the misqualified karmas by taking accountability for all your experiences, and those things that you perceive which are negative and destructive, ask for the Forgiveness Flame of the Creative Mother Spirit through any member of the Host for this planet to saturate that portion of your consciousness with their Love...Omnipotent Love.

Learn to become immersed in a perpetual awareness of Him while taking your attention and devotion off of the outer humanly misqualified effect which are imperfect .. be immersed in the bliss and faith fueled living of this awareness. It is what I would term living faith, an alive faith that acts as an alchemical elixir changing all imperfections in you to His everlasting Light which is pure perfection vibrationally. Also, being merged in the relation with the Father Principle who is everywhere and in everyone, as everyone as they make this actualization a fact of their existence.

This is the paradox of the ages...that He is everywhere as everyone,m yet people do not get to experience Him because this Supreme Spirit is the Almighty God within time and space creation .. participating in the evolutionary unfoldment and progression of the universes, and of every single being which He Is.  Hence, thy pure devotion through living faith and trusting implicitly in Him, and in Our Association whereby I can guide you through the Spirit of Truth of Mine Being, and whereby you are actively inviting the Creative Mother Spirit to extend Her influences, Her agents, Her Host members, and Her adjutant Spirits who will mentor you as you allow it. in this physical come to consciously offer you instruction on the way we have prepared for you. Certainly, our conscious relationship while I am here in the garment of flesh allows all these cooperative arrangements to become initiated together as One Being.

Hence, give your time and energy to building this bride of relationship with Him, and I and the Mother Flame will participate with you to secure for you this upward trajectory of Love and realization which is set into motion by your free will choices and good character decisions, causes within you built upon the simplicity of your profound devotion and love to Him.

Next, dedicating all acts, big and small, to Him. All wishes and desires, all will and animating power is His, accentuating the be attitudes of invocation and pure worship of Him in all things and at the Center and Source of all existence, all your activity give Him credit for it, all fruitful results are His own, and every good and constructive consequence is due to His great Love for you each — dedicating everything from beginning to end to Him within you who enfolds you and interpenetrates your every cell and atomic particle...

Finally, practice renunciation of all attachment to the ephemeral small self who is akin to a bubble appearing out from the Ocean I AM, and conduct yourselves with regard to all your worldly performance of all acts in a spirit of worshipful non-attachment to the results. This will begin to annihilate all tendencies in your human self for manipulation, control, and abuse while attempting to use God for these maneuvers. He will not participate in that just so you know. Alignment with His Will through fulfilling His Law opens the Kingdom doors for you to have a life that continually is raised upwards. Each day as you embrace eternity by transfiguring the imperfect vibrations you will be creating an upward trajectory in vibrational attunement that catapults you into the Seamless Garment of Immaculate Light.

This is the new immortal body that you will transmute into upon your graduation which gives you entrance into Our octaves of purity and perfection. And this is merely the first of thousands upon thousands of higher transmutations that you will give yourself to through service and love for God.
It is in this exact way that one day in the distant future you will have prepared yourself in frequency to be able to withstand His Presence as You meet Him face to face in Paradise and then are sent out on other more grand adventures of service and love and mercy.

This is what the Paradise Father Son Spirit seeks from you.

Certainly, it is a great challenge that sits before you;  to effect this full surrender and sacrifice, this selflessness and service to love Him so deeply that you transmute into His nature and Identify with Him in all way possible...

But if you make but the slightest effort toward the EEE or EAE, then He will confer the courage upon you to pursue this royal road of light to the earthly completion. We have designed the evolutionary progression for humanity in this way so that each lifestream soul and personality grows optimally in their character, their good choices, their accountability, their free will powers and attitudes of eternity. The completion is the Paradise Pattern that you move into over time with Our help...
I, thy Creator Son Michael, and the Creative Mother Spirit, and the Immaculate Immortal Host of this Planetary civilization . . . we will walk with you and help you as a friend, as a brother and sister, as your very Selfhood. And I Michael, as your Spiritual Father Brother Friend am dedicated to you in every way possible to make certain your ascent into the greater Life more Abundant. Be willing to undergo the necessary changes to your personality soul so that I can adjust your field into greater receptivity to the Father Principle.

 I will continue to lead you as your teacher and guide both here in the flesh and in the Comforter Spirit of My being.

We will guard you from evil and temptation only in so far as you are transfiguring yourself into light; for we simply must hand back to you those past karmas of energies imperfectly qualified that you must unconditionally receive back with love and acceptance, and then the desire to transfigure it into light.

...and the Father Son Spirit with us and through us will be your staff and support in every moment of your existence.

Christ Michael Aton

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Heart of Supremacy and the Endowment of Paradise

My teaching and guidance is for spiritual practitioners and those individuals who yearn for the taste…the bread of God Himself. I emphasize in our association to cultivate the spiritual discipline to embrace eternity each day gradually and fluidly with consistency and determination. My guidance offers you character maturing and refinement in your opening to the spiritual attitudes . . . the be attitudes, and the precepts of the Paradise Deity more than anything else. Our association lays down means and methods of reaching the goal of peace and harmony…and the abundant life everlasting.

Spiritual discipline is the product of keen and steady yearning for progress... for that inner closeness with the Father Presence within you.  The aspirant must aspire, not despair or become impatient, or even begin to look for the easy way out by ‘adjusting’ my teachings to fool yourself and your ego manipulations. He must persevere, not clamour for quick success. Only over time and with devoted adherence to the righteous use of your free will can I truly assist you and walk with you in the greater more conscious way…together as One. These teachings of understanding are akin to a boat, which takes people across from the self-imposed state of human limitation and bondage to the freedom that is their nature in the Father. People are taken from darkness to light, from living a life that is lusterless to walking immersed in the immanence of His splendour. The Endowment is the circuitry within the body of God Himself that must be aspired to follow and enter into. The precepts of Paradise which I have continued to share with you will ordain disciplines and duties that are free from the taints of tendencies and impulses that tie people to the relentless wheel of birth and death.

I come to offer those with a mind ready to give up their own ideas and who are willing to enter into our association eternal. I come to reacquaint you with our fellowship…our eternal relationship…and through the Spirit of Truth I surround you in all ways…guiding your mind into the renewal of right attitudes and spiritualizing your heart and mind into a great cooperation with Me.

I write to you herein due to the many people who are contacting me looking for My help, yet are confused about My instructions on what is required to receive that help which I so desire to offer you. Without your commitment and trust in Me, I can do only very little; for I must wait upon your ripening to want to go beyond the prideful attitudes of wanting to do it on your own, and taking my teachings and altering the ideal so that it suits your notion of the easy way through the egoism which has taken hold.

Christ Michael Aton

Our One Great Cause is Light, Love, and the Abundant Life Everlasting

I have come into this life bestowal in order to fulfill my covenant with humanity. To help reignite the flame of light and love in your hearts, and to bring an intellectual emancipation to people who have, over lifetimes, developed erroneous ideas about God and His simple way of harmony and happiness.

I bring with me the requisite oils of the Word to place into the hearts of those who are receptive to me, so that you may tend to your own hearts and expand that indwelling spark into a much fuller flame that overwhelms your human imperfections.

I have not returned into this human fold to speak on behalf of any particular religion. There is no particular religion that can monopolize nor own me and the teachings I have brought forth over time within the Earth.

I haven't come to foster or uphold any overt mission for any sect or creed or cause other than to amplify the avenues of illumination that the Mighty Host advance the civilization and the One great Cause of Light.

Again, you are not my aspirants, nor have I come to collect followers for any doctrine other than the doctrine of greater comprehension of Life, and your responsibility to life, your obligation to adhere to the Paradise Father and His way of advancing and progressing His creation.

I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into my fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this paradise trinity endowment that must be adhered to; for it is the one and only pathway or avenue in which to progress along the journey of your soul. It is an endowment which I am preparing you to enter into so that you can generate the right understandings of law...the law of your own existence, the law of harmony and love, and this one universal and integrating and unifying faith that I share with you through the beattitudes of my teachings. There is only this one divine principle, one divine supreme soul that includes all beings. This is the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and Supremacy ... this path of love and mercy, compassion and forgiveness. This duty of love, and this obligation to expand the love of the Kingdom in you and through you out into your world. Love is the omnipotent force that integrates rather than disintegrates all things.

Unto you who would seek the true empowerment to create only Love, to bring forth the God power within, and to command all imperfection into the Perfection of Light. The way of freedom and victory is to have living faith and trust in God necessary to dissolve all things unto pure Spirit. God must become a living reality in your life. You must become bold in order to actualize your true individuality; the awakened personality that the Universal Source originally intended for you.

I and the Mother have within our arsenal the immortal Host of Heaven and all beings who have made their existence immortal, and who are determined to help. To see that the indwelling flame of humanity does not shrink out of neglect and misuse, but to shine the everpresent and imminent light of goodness, truth, and beauty upon all persons irregardless of the temporal differences in religion and country.

Learn to discern His Will from your own; for that is the most direct route towards achieving the gift of His Initiation into Eternity. Ignite the spark of God within you into a full flame through the adventure of transfiguration, resurrection, ascension. And then ye can say that you love God, in Spirit and in Truth.

With Sacrifice you will be able to purify your memory that remains lodged within the energies of your etheric body. Surrender to the greater plan and will opens a way to master the mind and the sacred power of your thought. Selflessness brings to us a mastery of the misdirected desires of the lower nature; we are then able to take dominion over the baser nature and animal instincts of the emotions. Service above all is the driving force of all sentient beings who wish to expand their own self consciousness while at the very same time furthering the Self consciousness of the Universal Whole.

Raise Your Standards, Raise Your Ideal, Upgrade and Evolve Your Core Convictions and Beliefs about what you think is possible for you to attain and achieve. Develop a sense of certainty, confidence, conviction, cooperation, congruence, concentration, and consecration which catapults you into this next evolutionary leap in consciousness and understanding. These are the seven lords of the Ideal which are necessary for you to walk through the doorway of this higher Ideal.

For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent. We've all experienced change for a moment, only to feel let down and disappointed in the end. In fact, many people attempt change with a sense of fear and dread because unconsciously they believe the changes will only be temporary. A prime example is needed, a role model is essential. Someone who can demonstrate the new Ideal and direction for human consciousness to evolve to.

I share with you this everpotent Ideal of Paradise Perfection...the Pattern of Paradise ... the Universal Trinity designed precepts, the organizing principles of lasting change. I come to show you some very specific spiritual strategies based upon law that establish and secure quality change that creates a new momentum into the fuller light and life.

In learning many of these precepts and how to utilize them to establish yourself on the 'new track' to this higher standard. The bar has been reset to a higher level, higher than you may have expected. The precepts of lasting quality change are built upon what I refer to as the Five M's in order to attain and secure for yourself a new trajectory that awakens you on new levels of conscious empowerment and understanding.

I have given to you three elementary principles of constructive change that are the originating patterns of Paradise. While these principles are simple, they are also extremely powerful when they are skillfully applied. These are the exact same changes that an individual must make in order to create personal change, and I focus together with you these principles on growth for the soul into a greater alignment and fulfillment than ever before.

It is the activation of an inherent potential, and even a country or company must make these shifts in consciousness in order to carve out its place in the world. In fact, as a world community these are the changes that we all must make to preserve the quality of life around the globe.

Our association is centered upon three defining precepts, that are essential components in order for you to evolve and progress...

1. Raise your standards
Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.

Absolutely the most important thing is adjusting in your consciousness what you are demanding of yourself.  Perceive all the things you will no longer accept in your life, all the things you would no longer tolerate, and all the things that you are aspiring to become.

Think of the expansive and far-reaching consequences set in motion by men and women who raised their standards and acted in accordance with the new Ideal that they demanded of themselves, deciding they would tolerate no less. 

The poignantly magnificent choice to raise our standards for what we can achieve is based upon an understanding of where humanity is evolving at this time. The same power that was available to every great individual in any single area of life is available to you, if you have the courage to own yourself within the Ideal, and to claim it. Changing an organization, a company, a country, or a world begins with the simple step of changing yourself.

2. Change your Core Convictions and Attitudes 
If you raise your standards but don’t really believe you can meet them, you've already sabotaged yourself. You won’t even try; you’ll be lacking that sense of certainty and confidence that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that’s within you. Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands which define our limits, telling us how things are, what’s possible and what’s impossible, what we can and cannot do. They shape every action, every thought, and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our core inner convictions is adjusting the blueprint upon which your conviction in feelings will automatically fill in to bring forth the ideal you have commanded for yourself.

Our core convictions are central to making any real and lasting change in our lives. We must develop a sense of certainty that we can and will meet the new standards and the new ideal before we actually do. Without taking control of your core convictions and attitudes, you can intellectually raise your standards and capture the vision as much as you like, but you’ll never have the conviction which is true and lasting faith and trust in your understanding discernment and discrimination to back them up. 

Core convictions and attitudes which are believed with every fiber of our being create a greater congruence, and will annihilate all opposing inner momentums and accumulations from the past which are operating at the same time. It is the congruence of our beliefs which give us access to our inner spiritual resources and enable us to meet all opposing challenges which would have swayed a less committed person. Empowering core attitudes and inner convictions — this sense of certainty and confidence, cooperation on all levels and our concentration of consciousness upon an ideal worthy to be attained — is the force behind any and all great success throughout history.

3. Change Your Strategic Approach to Life
In order to keep your commitment, you need the best strategies for achieving results. One of my core beliefs is that if you set a higher standard, and you can shift your core convictions and attitudes in order to get yourself to build the new momentum, while learning how to erase all opposing momentums and accumulations, then you certainly will build the new direction which takes you into wildly successful attainment of the next evolutionary ideal.

These are the strategies of the Kingdom of God based upon a design that has already been achieved by thousands of people. I show you the eternal strategies for attainment, and I’ll tell you now that the best strategy in almost any case is to imitate one who knows and is living in that knowing until you can replicate their results in consciousness as your own experience. This is the requisite of faith until you attain. Faith that you are Him expressing in all moments. I share with you my own core convictions and beliefs, and as you believe as I believe, you will have results in your own attainment. 

Not only will imitating and replicating make you more effective, it will also save you a huge amount of time because you won’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can fine-tune it for you personally, and artistically reshape it.

Our association provides you with the knowledge and impetus to commit to all three of these master precepts of quality change which carry you into the next evolutionary upgrade and leap in consciousness. It will help you raise your standards by discovering what they currently are and realizing what you want them to be; it will help you change the core convictions that are keeping you from where you want to go and enhance those that already serve you; and it will assist you in understanding the universal divine science of these precepts and help you to refine the art of their application to your personal life circumstances.

Spiritual growth is not intended for you to endlessly process your emotions and thoughts by changing one set of ideals for another. Our association over some time give to you an evolutionary maturing and development in understanding the underlying plan and design for human life to move into at some certain point in time. You embrace the eternal attitudes, the everlasting understandings from the point of view of the Paradise Spirit within you who directs all things for you.

Our time together offer to you a series of spirit derived strategies for more elegantly, quickly, and efficiently producing the results you desire in regard to the evolutionary upgrade in the ideal of the Kingdom of God and your eternal entrance into that new order of human being. 

It will help you to raise your standards to embrace the next evolutionary ideal; for life's plan is not for you to gain a higher consciousness and then promptly die off at the end of this lifetime. Your core convictions and inner be attitudes will completely annihilate your old opposing momentums and accumulations, and it will help you to change the core beliefs that are obstructing your vision of this ideal and enhance those convictions that already serve you.

Our gatherings assist you in developing these new strategies far more elegantly, quickly, and efficiently producing the result you desire in deepening your relationship with the Father Principle and the realization of this Principle as your very nature and identity, your life giving destination.

If we decide to, you and I can make our lives one of these inspiring examples that lead the way for all others. This leading is the next evolutionary attainment. The next evolutionary upgrade. The next evolutionary leap for human beings. How will this leap occur for you? Simply by understanding what’s at stake for you in making this leap and giving yourself to the upgrade. When they upgrade software, they have to comb back through the prior writing of it, and sweep through the tapestry of what was woven or written. This evolutionary leap gives to you the strength and the motivation in harnessing the inherent natural powers of your desire, decision, and determination.

Desire fueled with devotion and dedication, decision clarified and refined by discernment and discrimination, and determination acted upon by unleashing the inner drive and divine design. If you don’t make decisions about how you’re going to live, then you've already made a decision, haven’t you? You’re making a decision to be directed by the outer effects of the environment around you instead of shaping your own destiny. You fall into living from the effects in a perpetual state of reactiveness rather than living as the inner Cause of being by washing away all the deleterious and destructive effects of the past which have accumulated an opposing momentum taking you further and further away from your goals in life.

It’s been said that “He which lives in me is greater than he who lives in the world. Have the wisdom and determination to rely upon that inner You, not only partially, but fully and completely. It is this understanding that will make all the difference in the world in terms of carrying you into a supreme fulfillment that remains untouched by the ups and downs of worldly circumstances and environments. No longer will you be enslaved by emotional reactivity and the ups and downs of the lower nature by attempting to get outer circumstances to become perfect. Touch more deeply into this enlivening force of life within you; that spiritual force desires expansion in you and through you. It is his will and intention to establish harmony and happiness and healing.

In expanding God’s Kingdom into you and through you out into the world, there are a few powerful foci which you must harness and direct. These are three decisions of your free will choice that you make every moment of your life shaping and controlling your destiny.

Everything and anything which comes into manifestation begins with an individual’s decision and desire. These three decisions and desires determine what you’ll bring to your awareness, how you’ll feel, what you’ll do, and ultimately what you will attain to in your life. If you don’t control these three foci, desires, and decisions, you simply aren't allowing God’s energy and intelligence to step in and control your life, raising your life into harmony, healing, and happiness. Only He… through your conscious permission and cooperation in thought, feeling, and spoken word, can design and sculpt your life into a constructive experience.

The three foci that control your destiny are:
1. your decisions about what to focus on, what to worship, what to bring into your awareness.
2. your decisions about what things mean to you, what your values are, what your priorities are, and what your interpretation of events in your life really mean to you.
3. your decisions, desires, and determinations about what to do to create the results you desire.

It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become.  Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny. Know that if anyone is enjoying greater success than you in any area of life, they’re making these three decisions differently from you in some context or situation.

These three foci have their inherent powers to create in five understandings of your creative spirit. 

These are the five M’s of your use of Mind. Mind is thought and intensified thought which is feeling. The five M’s in the application of this One Principle of the Creative Mind are the five precepts of Magnification, Magnetization, Momentumization, Mastery, Manifestation. 

In the Majesty of Father Son Spirit
Michael Aton

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thine Divine Order of the Human Being

Think ye that I would have you ignorant of heavenly things because ye do sleep in flesh?
2 I tell you that I have come unto you many times in spirit and said, Arise! Awaken! Awaken! Arise!
3 But ye have heard me not in that your slumbers were profound; now I do tell you that profoundness of your slumbers hath been broken, therefore ye issue into a knowledge.
4 There is no knowledge that may not be yours if ye but have equipment to receive and understand it.
5 Making ignorance for the sake of ignorance is an abomination, since it maketh of man's mind a mockery.
6 If ye do have no understanding of divine things, how proceed ye toward the Godhead?
7 Verily I say, this is the failing of all the generations, that they fear there is sin in looking at Light.
8 Understand ye not that Light is for those who have eyes whereby to see, even of the Light? Ignorance and blindness walk hand in hand with darkness; all are negative.
9 Man hath his propensity for turning toward the darkness, thinking it humility, whereas it is but childish fear of confronting facts that may not be of his interpretation.
10 Man hath no need for seeking darkness, thinking to please his Maker; verily he displeaseth his Maker seeking to instruct him in truth that hath life.
11 Now I bespeak you a fact known only to those who have physically died: There is no Substance to error or ignorance.
12 Substance only is positive, creative, expounding unto senses; substance is God and God is substance, as hath been displayed unto you herein.
13 No man hath seen God at any time, because God is Incarnate Thought manifesting in a hundred thousand trillion orders of creation that have sprung from Incarnate Thought in conjunction with Ether.
14 I have no mind to tell you that which ye canst conceive not, but this do I tell you: There is creation on creation, of which man as mortal is of low, low order.
15 Ye have heard me say that ye did volunteer to come into substance that ye might manifest unto those who have found themselves in substance for purposes of experience.
16 I say that ye are created of divine order that ministereth unto all created orders, instructing them in eternal benefactions.
17 I too am of that Order.
18 Verily have pages been inscribed telling of me in terms of the mortal; I say that they are permitted in that they teach humankind that it may have no greater concept than I had in those pages of mine own divinity and yet make its impress on the ages.
19 I did know of mine own divinity from childhood, growing in stature mentally as I grew in stature physically.
20 Verily I speak as one having knowledge of elementals, not of literal concepts.
21 Man hath a mission unto his own species during these coming generations in that he developeth himself from provincialism to universality; he maketh himself to know his brother in the innermost parts, both inward and outward; he maketh himself to know the world by experience, not by hearsay.
22 Therefore is he wise in his self-esteem; his concepts are broadening and his sympathies are widening; but this is not enough.
23 He must see his brother as himself and build his own monument to self-sacrifice in the ways of art and business, verily of deportment among the nations.
24 Think ye, beloved, that I would tell you untruths?
25 I say unto men, Put up your swords, destroy your implements of war, build hospitals and houses of alms with that substance which now is expended for destruction; man hath a large knowledge of that which is required of him by the Host that sustaineth him.
26 I come unto him by picture and parable and invention and avenues of international discoursing opened by instruments of travel that are not of earth's surface.
27 This meaneth not development of curiosity as to spirit phenomena; it meaneth spiritual development to hear voices from far reaches.
28 The time hath come for man to regain his lost heritage and strike out into uncharted fields of intellect and compassion for his fellows.
29 I say unto you that ye do have missions to preach this doctrine of self-immolation; ye have missions to perform greater than any that ye have performed, since ye do summon mankind into the presence of the Host by developing the senses to perceive the Host.
30 Think ye that I would have you ignorant of the ways whereof it happeneth, when ye must preach unto others that assuredly it happeneth?
31 I tell you therefore of heavenly matters, sealing your lips against utterance of things as yet not speakable.
32 Know that I tell you that man hath a large quality of perspicacity which he knoweth not of consciously; he cometh into presence of Eternal Ones and knoweth it daily, else would he despair and revert unto darkness.
33 I tell you that man hath gone further in understanding of eternal principles since the whole world knew its war than in twenty centuries that went before that carnage, not in intelligence so much as in perception of his brother's problems, his brother's griefs, his brother's disappointments, his brother's aspirations.
34 Verily hath it happened in that man hath learned the parable of the sower: that which is cast to the ground bringeth forth fruit according to the fertility of the soil on which it falleth.
35 Ye do have missions to tell men that I reign a thousand years from the generation whereof ye know your present flesh.
36 This reign will be marked by my literal presence again on earth, not coming as a mystic as I came before, but in etheric body, seeable by men constantly in different places, under divers conditions for constructive purposes.
37 History hath not yet recorded so great a work as must be accomplished in the five decades that come with morrow.
38 The time of trial cometh unerringly; prepare yourselves, I tell you, knowing that it cometh; that which is Written is sacred logic, that which is Written is Divine Intention. . . .

~The Golden Scripts

Christ Michael Aton

Expand thy Perfection and Immortalize thine Existence

You are God's Individualization right now, and yet, to experience the benefit of your nature and identity you must redeem and regenerate the prior obstructions of misqualified energies in your soul field .. your four bodies of expression.

And as His Individualization,  you are agreeing to make constructive use of your four lower bodies; in thoughts and feelings and the spoken word and actions taken .. you are the commander of your destiny. Only you through the sacredness of your day to day choices can bring forward the radiation of the Universal Light that is God's love.

The Father desires in Will and Intent for His Individualizations to experience all love and unending peace, exquisite beauty and joy, harmony,  happiness,  and complete healing. So as you cleanse from all prior misuse of these lower bodies of expression,  and as you learn to apply your free will towards your own fulfillment,  then you will stop interrupting His Pure and Immaculate Flow of Perfection into the manifestation around you and in you.

Magnify Perfection .. magnetize love and mercy .. Maximize each opportunity to become free .. Momentumize your existence into the Seamless Garment of light .. and Master your energy and personal vibration. Then ye shall become Manifest in thine godhood.

Christ Michael Aton

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Be Attitudes of Creation

I speak with you here on the Five M's of Mind and Consciousness. I share with you each .. my beloveds who are a living member of Mine Being .. a deeper understanding of the great Laws. These are the same laws that are used by the builders of creation. These M's must be coupled with the Be Attitudes .. the Sacred A's and the Holy C's.

The Holy C's being Concentration ..  Consecration .. Cooperation .. Consistency .. Conviction .. Confidence .. and Collaboration.

The Sacred A's such as Adoration and Acceptance of creation must be combined with the laws of Mind in order to Magnify .. Magnetize .. Maximize .. Momentumize .. and Master.... your chosen desire.

Let's focus upon just a few here today.

We are each uniquely personal individualizations of the One God, and we are also the fullness of His Oceanic Presence.  When in expression we are personality in action. We are Personalized and Dynamic rather than Impersonalized and Passive.

As this Individualized and concentrated Presence we are called forth to expand His Perfection .. His Kingdom of Light and Life. And there is only one way by which creation works .. and it is through the understanding of the laws of Infinite Mind and these A's and C's.

Through Magnifying your chosen object of worship with your active use of the Holy C's coupled with your creative beam of the Sacred M's ... you are building a momentum of creatively concentrated energies into a direction of your choosing. Momentumize your existence into the receipt of greater light. This must occur through the EEE, which are the righteous use of your creative consciousness and free will. The EEE give you the right foundation in building an upward and inward momentum in your relationship and realization of the Paradise Father Eternal Son Infinite Spirit.

Magnify the reality of God's Presence by focusing your devotional attention upon the Force that is moving you right now. In this Force resides all love, wisdom and intelligence, and creative power. Magnify this Force of your own Life. This is what is referred to as the Supreme God who is most accessible to you through your own Life Force or Lifestream.  This Stream comes to you from your own Father Presence in the octaves above the earth. At times I refer to that Father Principle as your Oversoul.  There is the One Oversoul of all creation .. and this Being of Supremacy Individualized Himself into trillions of Individualizations of Himself which are each uniquely personal and which are progressively evolving on almost an infinite number of planets.

As you Magnify the Force of your own Life, you amalgamate or attach yourself to the greater One Oversoul Supreme God of all. This is the God of creation who is an offshoot or derivative of the greater Paradise Father Eternal Son Infinite Spirit.  To Magnify is to worship because in this Magnification you are beaming your creative life juices into the Ideal for existence.  The Life Force and Oversoul Presence of yourself is the replica of the Supreme God .. and He is the Pattern of Paradise in time and space creation for all to ascribe to and become.

As you Magnify Him, you are a tuning fork which then begins to vibrate just like Him. He is then able to quicken you to His frequencies of pure life. Your worship is your Power of Invocation with its Be Attitudes.  This is a natural power which human beings are growing into mastering. Magnifying is worship, and as You worship with your thoughts and feelings and spoken words,  so do you become those qualities and frequencies of your chosen focus. This is the highest use of your free will.

Adore and appreciate the Force of your life. Give Him as You .. your acceptance and allegiance and loyalty. Align with this Life first and foremost.  Place your attention and awareness upon Him who resides just beyond your breathing. Expand into Him .. for this Force is literally Infinite Intelligence and Limitless Love. He is the Immaculate Consciousness that gives bliss and happiness to all without conditions.

...and wheresoever and whatsoever you Magnify .. you Momentumize into your soul. You create your future .. your destiny in light and the higher octaves of life or like most .. you will minimize your existence and be building a momentum that is going against the Universal Flow of Infinity.

Christ Michael Aton