Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thine Eternal Embers Shall become Ignited in our Fellowship

I come giving Mine Eternal Waters unto those who know thirst .. I make no mockery of him and her who hath suffered and struggled to find stability and security .. order and obedience. I come to teach men and women the ways of eternity; that our universe of Nebadon is overflowing in goodness .. truth .. beauty .. and forgiveness.

I come to reveal the character and divine nature of the Father's Initiatory Life .. His Mercy and Care .. His Everpotent Life which exists everywhere simultaneously.

That the Father Mother Source hath a mercy and grace beyond mankind's ability to understand. That whosoever wanteth a light eternal must simply ask and make themselves readied .. prepared .. open and willing to receive.

I say to thee with the mind made ready to learn and grow .. that man and woman perisheth only in that they elect to perish by their wanton ways of unworthiness and unwillingness.  That as ye are cultivating a character of kindness and long-suffering .. compassion and forgiveness of one another .. so shall ye find your way into Mine Universal Bosom.

... for He or she who transgresseth our lawful ideals .. they do discover themselves to be in a poverty which hath no boundaries. They do disgrace themselves unto abomination and blindness .. even deafness and muteness.

The cycle cometh upon humankind.  The end of all gropings and blunderings in the darkness is at its end.

Presently .. arise a mighty whirlwind of changes for the individual personality .. wherein those who see nor the Divinity in themselves and all others .. and who fail to gather their respect for the Life of God thou art .. they shall forthwith be cast from their place in authority. The world systems shall be disrupted in their systemic sickness.

Mine great instruction cometh presently upon the heels of vengeance .. taken into heart by those whose ways of wantonness have ground themselves into the darkness of lowered vibratory activities. 

I bid thee to arouse thine passions for the Unchangeable Absolute Truth. Rise upwards in character and attitude .. consciousness and the unveiling of courage.

Clothe thine heart's mantle in this undeniable Truth and Love .. so that ye perform no unworthy deed nor acts towards thine brethren .. thine fellows .. during this changing of the guard of the lesser for the grander opportunities at one with the Father’s Primordial Consciousness.

I am Michael of this Universe come to stir the embers of thine ways .. thine sight .. thine motivations and ministrations.

Michael Sananda Esu
Michael Of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington Trust Worldwide

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Righteousness and Rectitude of Character and Consciousness

Remember to become masterful at the Trinity Ideal requires your daily participation and discipline .. thine moment to moment willingness and cooperation.

The Trinity Ideal is the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit, the Revelatory Word of God the Son, and the Initiatory Thought and Life of God the Father.

Build and grow into eternal maturity thine character with the Cardinal Virtues and Values of the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit through the Universe Mother Spirit.

Enter into Our Trinity Ideal and it's Endowment Trust with the Revelatory Word of God the Son and His Sons of Paradise Trinity Endowment. For the Son's of the Originating Son demonstrate the Way .. the Truth .. and the Life of the Initiatory Thought and Life of God the Father.

I come to show thee Our way to expand the Father's Kingdom Ideal in you and throughout your human being. To give Him the freedom to establish Harmony and Eternal Order through the righteousness of thine character and through tbe correct use of your human free will to co-create union with Him.

Amplify what is Unchangeable in you. Allow the Unchangeable Absolute to grow and expand through you in all ways. Give the One Unwavering Primordial Fire of God .. the possibility of expansion in you. Invite Him to establish sovereignty which is His great Order and Harmony.

This is the Will of God .. to secure love and light in the creation .. and to establish stability and order divine everywhere.

Then, are you building the Father's Initiatory Life in you .. then, are you serving the great Kingdom of God's Life which exists everywhere simultaneously.

Begin each day with the Powers Sevenfold. Invocation is the purest worship of His nature and identity .. His Omnipresence and Omnipotence is everywhere to be discovered,  yet you as an individual personality are asked to collaborate with Him in the great venture of His expansion and expression.  You are invited by the Infinite One to participate as a conscious co-creator in order to become His Supremacy of Deity .. His Personalization in time space creation.

I come with the Universe Mother Spirit Nebadonia .. and the Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven to pave thine way into light and life .. one with the Bestowed Spirit of God the Father in you .. as You.

Michael Sananda Esu
Michael of Nebadon

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington College Trust

Monday, April 18, 2016

Thine Daily Embrace of Eternity

Thine approach into the Kingdom of the Father's Initiatory Life .. His Consciousness .. and His Existence .. it is through the simplicity of Embracing Eternity.

Day by day .. moment by moment .. you are approaching your life in My way and truth.

You are elevating the powers of your own creativity .. thine inner Impulse shall blossom and expand.

Life will become simpler and without the burden of involuntary negative thoughts and feelings. For thine mind and heart will become cleansed of the vibrations of the world.

Ye shall become His Consciousness expressing as you allow these inner vibratory changes to occur.

Our Ideal brings seekers into their own aspirancy .. and aspirants into our fellowship together .. our discipleship .. through the disciplines of the First Great Center and Source .. the Initiatory Thought in you which is the all .. the authority for your life.

The Initiatory Thought and Life of God in and as You .. this must become developed and brought forth by the individual personality. It will not occur automatically; for it requires the activity of your free will choices and decisions to make His Virtues and Values and Verities .. your
personal Vision.

Ye must amplify Our eternal agenda in you. There is no other way. And for those personalities who rebel and resist .. they are left to grapple .. to struggle and suffer .. on their very own .. until they exhaust their willfulness. 

They are given the free will right and the time and space .. to experience their subjective ways through to its inevitable incompletion.

I come with the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit and His expression as the Universe Mother Spirit Nebadonia.

I come with the Host of Heaven. These are your brothers and sisters ..  some of whom have completed the initial stages of their earthly career and they are choosing to lend a hand to you. To help assist you in your ascent beyond the learnings of fleshly limitation.

"My Father God .. thou Creative Source of my existence and the life that I am .. I perceive You everywhere .. in and as everything. All creatures and beings you hold within the palm of thy Hand.

"I have decided to align myself with you. To cooperate and collaborate with You. To give you my free will by learning to embrace Your existence each day."

Michael Sananda Esu
Michael Of Nebadon

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael

Michael Of Nebadon Retreat

The Michael Of Nebadon Publication Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington College Trust

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Michael Of Nebadon Publications Trust

Thou children of Mine Universal Trust .. the Endowment of Consciousness given to you by the Father's grace .. this is thine Life. He has entrusted you with Himself through the bestowed Spirit of His Life in you.

Keep well of Him. Tender thine affections upon Him in every way possible. Adore and acknowledge His existence in you .. and as thine nature and identity.

Never hath it been said unto you that I address you, beloved,  in ways that are soft nor weak; I speak from mine Comforter Spirit of Truth in saying to you once again .. I have come to emancipate thine intellect and to illuminate thine heart into valors of victory and vision.

Be not swayed by the evils of this world which come to thee and speak utterances of nonsensical tumult .. of persuasions to have you become weak and afraid .. willful and in doubt. These premonitions by those who are naught .. who have made themselves unrecognizable by the Father's Reality .. they attempt to disturb thine trajectories of Spirit. 

They are frivolously unaware in their dreamy delusions which have been drawn forth from the worldly ways wherein pure unadulterated character is mocked and their allegiances with love are tainted by their lack of true vision.

They would have you join them in their blindness of heart .. and their blandness of stature. They advance but nowhere into nothing of essence.

Yet .. Instead .. arise and be exceeding glad that ye have found thine way into the greater light and the luminous life of the One Father Source.  For I have come into the world to reveal truth unwaveringly.  To demonstrate the potence of holding reciprocal spiritual communion with the Universal Father Son Spirit of Infinite Promise.

It is the mark of thine destiny to exhale thine misqualified conditions upon the cross of His remembrance.  To walk as the Sovereign Shepherd of Destiny and Discipleship with Me. Verily .. I have come unto you to stir thine conscience into Absolute Rhythm and Infinite Pulsations of bliss and joy untold.

True .. I do ordain thee into further perplexities and puzzling inner phenomena that quickens thine sensibilities and stirs upwards thine aspirations. I come to give you reasons for surrender and sacrifice of mortal tendencies and habitual inclinations that do not lead you to your happiness and hopefulness .. but instead these lesser attentions keep you enthralled by your lowest nature and your confused identifications.

Yet .. I come to enable thine character .. to raise you into prosperity and progressive advancements of divine splendor. To lift you up into true radiance and beyond the ridicules of failure and separation from Life Itself.

I come to inspire your wits .. and to make true men and women of you each one. Harbor no longer those erroneous designs of mortal confusion which provoke you to stand against thyself .. but instead .. begin to perceive true meanings and everlasting purpose in Our Divine Association and eternally Sovereign Fellowship.

I AM thine Father Son .. thine Friend Eternal .. and truly thine Supremacy of Selfhood which vibrates you into your Immortal destinies.

Michael Sananda Esu
Michael Of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Retreat in Pedasi Panama

The Michael Of Nebadon Publications Trust

Trinity Endowment Trust of Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington College Trust