Wednesday, April 25, 2018

To Doeth Thine Bidding in Light and Life

Cultivate the Absoluteness of Love and Merciful Empathy.

I showeth you in our Association of Ascendancy .. that by growing Love Absolute ye do impart properties of Life into the matter.. into thine form .. and that ye cause that formed  matter to doeth thine bidding in Light and Life.

...and Love .. that is to say .. the Father's Absoluteness of Love hath a Power and Integrity .. a Purpose and Purity .. a Living and Growing Poise .. by which it touches into matter .. giving Life .. quickening all matter unto Its own Life.

Miracles according to Ultimate Law develop as that matter is touched by the Father's Life. A Sovereignty emerges .. a Stability unliketh to all ephemeral stabilities gains its threshold.

I sayeth unto thee .. the Father's Sovereignty is a permanence for the personality soul. It raiseth that personhood into realms of grandeur .. octaves of his omniscience. His Sovereignty is a Security and Safety which replenishes thine soul mind and regenerates all the formed matter into His Life Eternal.

...and this spiritual reformation is his transforming power in expression.

The personality giveth themselves to that One Life, and the One Fatherhood Life giveth to that personality the greater Life .. and the fuller advancement .. into worlds of wonder and awe and pure goodness, truth, and beauty unable to be put into language.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Peace of Existence

Vosotros, hijos de los universos que sois propensos a las dudas en la mente y por lo tanto, a confusiones del corazón ... reunid vuestras fuerzas para la verdad y el amor ... “I AM” He venido para daros socorro.

La humanidad ha transgredido el Camino de la Victoria en el Padre. La Raza ha hecho la vista gorda hacia la Autoridad de la Verdad de Dios y la Autoría de Personalidad. La Raza ha intentado usurpar la Vida de Dios Uno y Su Poder y Presencia que está verdaderamente en todas partes.

Oh, hijos de Israel ... el Israel de las Américas ... la Europa ... las asiáticas ... vuestra rebeldía no proviene enteramente del mal, sino de la ignorancia y la mala interpretación … del malentendido y de la falta de conocimiento.

Vuestro impudor y terquedad tienen un momentum que algún día se volverá desalojado de la mente de la Raza ... la cultura globalmente tiene propensiones a que la resistencia crezca y madure. Sutil es esta inclinación pero vastas son sus repercusiones sobre la civilización.

Sin embargo, su disolución debe venir cuando la población esté lista y determinada lo suficiente para garantizar la abundancia y el avance ... para avanzar más allá de las medidas de sus propias comodidades.

“I AM” He venido a una sociedad planetaria que tiene tanta belleza y bondad emergiendo. Vuestra promesa es grande y vuestras potencialidades son enormes.

Aunque estéis inmersos en la reactividad ... en tentaciones tangibles ... y en los artefactos imprudentes de las formas de vida que os mantienen separado del resto de las galaxias ... aún así Yo vengo a ofertar Mi creación ... para cuidar de todo eso Yo He puesto en marcha glorias manifiestas.

Yo os ofrezco la paz, que viene solo como resultado de vivir alineados y de acuerdo con los universos de luz y amor.

Michael Of Nebadon


Thou child of the universes who art prone to doubts in mind and thus, confusions of the heart .. gather upwards thine strengths for truth and love .. I am come to giveth thee succor.

Humankind hath transgressed from the Way of Victory in the Father. The Race hath turned a blind eye towards the Truth of God Authority and Personality Authorship. The Race hath attempted to usurp the One God Life and His  Power and Presence which is truly everywhere.

Oh thou children of Israel .. the Israel of the Americas .. the Europe .. the Asiaticas .. thine rebelliousness stems not entirely from evil but from ignorance and misinterpretation .. misunderstanding and lack of knowledge.

Thine impudence and stubbornness hath momentum which shall one day become dislodged from the Race mind .. the culture globally hath propensities for resistance to grow upwards and ripen into maturity. Subtle is this inclination yet vast are its repercussions upon the civilization.

Yet, its dissolution must come when the populace is ready and determined enough to warrant abundance and advancement .. to advance itself beyond the measurements of it's own comforts.

I am come into a planetary society which hath such beauty and goodness emerging. Thine promise is great and thine potentialities are vast.

Though ye art immersed in reactivity .. in tangible temptations .. and in the reckless artifacts of the ways of living which hold you apart from the rest of the galaxies .. still do I come to tender Mine creation .. to care for all that I have set into manifest glories.

I bid thee peace which comes only as a result of living accordingly and conducting thyselves in alignment with the universes of light and love.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Son of Man hath Returned

I am come Mine children .. to raise thine aspirations higher into the eternal life everlasting.

Graduating from all thine lifetimes is the celebration of the ages for the personality soul.

Graduating is to become birthed once again .. thus is this the true significance of becoming born again.

Oh ye traditional Christians who yearn for religious relationship with Me .. who walk athirst for righteousness and rectitude ..

I sayeth unto thee .. behold .. the Son of Man hath returned and ye art overly woven in thine own fantasies .. thine preconceptions blind thee from truth .. thine aspirations are misdirected due to your ignorance and the  confusions of mind.

Arise .. heal thine mind .. be thou blessed by our Association of Ascendancy which hath its yearlings of growth upon the sunrise of the universes.

I am come .. now shall ye discern .. now he art set to deciphering truth ..

Oh Mine decorous ones who hold their heart poised for advancements of abundance...

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, April 23, 2018

Emerge and Blossom

Verily Mine children of the earth .. thine relationship with the Life of God the Father hath a germination to behold.

In this relationship shall ye cause to germinate .. to emerge and blossom .. to ripen and refine .. those inherent benefactions which are hidden in the Life of the Father.

And this Life is thine own inheritance and destiny which you shall receive only as you become worthy and honorable as personhood with free will and character.

Thought alone shall not bequeath to you the Father's benevolence; for there be powers of manifest glories and purposes of precipitation which you must learn to unfold properly.

...thine atomic particles must be caused to vibrate differently .. with greater acceleration and poise. You are learning to communicate and command of the One Life thy freedom eternal.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Giving is of Thine Godhood

Oh Mine children who art desirous to serve with Me together in this our universal home ..

Ye must gather thine giving attributes. Giving is of the Trinity Parenthood. Giving is the nature of God.

Giving raises all thine urges towards worship and wisdom. Giving beckons thee towards understanding and receiving counsel. Giving awakens thine intuitions and thine godly instincts which must be developed by you through your choices, decisions, thoughts and feelings and deeds of action.

Giving begins with thine own giving of thyselves to the Life of God the Father. His Gift of Life must be claimed by thee. It is thine inheritance and thy destiny to embrace, accept,expand,and unfold in Actualization .. beloveds.

Giving is then .. your own nature .. and these tendencies are of the Universal Absolute One.

Give from your heart to the beings of all the kingdoms of the earth. Give patience and tolerance. Give compassion and mercy. Give openness and considerateness of heart.

Giving shall be thine anthem .. thine eternal mantra. Give .. Give .. Give .. of the attributes of the Paradise Spirit who lives in thee as thine Life.

Now .. are ye Mine children of this world civilization who are embarking upon the avenues of ascendancy.

Now are ye the emerging masters of immortality who art prone towards the higher inclinations of living a more abundantlife with the Life Gift of God the Father.

I walk with you as the surrounding Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter. One with the Life of God the Father .. God the Son .. and God the Spirit.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Human Nature hath its Choices

Human nature hath its choices.. and mortal personality tends to choose the path appearing easiest .. but that pathway is of the darkness .. its ignorance opens the door into living life from the lowest urges and tendencies.

Evolutionary advancements are slim and rare and slow moving within thine civilization...

Few individuals do progress consciously upon the avenues of ascendancy .. and their progression is consumed by wasted time and improper choices .. lost opportunities in the space of their lifetimes .. and careless decisions which provoke them into further confusions and callousnessof faith and trust in God who lives within each personality mind.

And for those personalities who choose carelessly to steer their existence upon the seas of living .. each one reaps whatsoever they have sown with their thoughts, words, and acts.

...and My Administration allows all learning to occur for the individual. I honor their free will to choose however they desire. I celebrate and support thine decisions because each individual choice shall eventually lead to greater understandings.

Thus .. is evolution this way .. slow and often painful upon a world such as your own.

Yet .. education is necessary .. and the individual personality must step forth to desire truth absolute beyond the perimeters of their own ideas and opinions and subjective interpretations.

Truth must be reached for .. sought after .. hungered for .. and an intense thirst must be reached .. so much so that you desire to embody God's Way above and beyond your own way.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Breathe Life

The Kingdom of Heaven is liketh unto oxygen for My apostles of the world.

I bringeth the Trinity nutrients .. the everlasting nourishment .. which allows ye to breathe Life .. to embrace and embody the Life of God the Father who lives in thee as thine Animating Father Presence.

...and through thine thirst for the Life of all lives .. so shall you draw to you the necessary relationship with him.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Calls Upon each Personality Soul

Knoweth that ye have thine Being and Life in the One God. Realize by Practicing thy Prayerful Intimacy with the Father's Kingdom in you each day.

Open thyselves to the everpresent and effulgent power giving you Life .. animating every activity in your human experience.

Place thine awareness with Faith Invisualization upon the everpresent and imminent presence of Spirit who is Intelligence Infinito and Life Absolute.

Bring thyself daily unto his altar of the progressive ascendancy for all sentient life; for there is our Great Plan to raise upwards all perspectives and personalities into this evolutionary approach of ascendancy.

The Universal First Creative Center calls upon each personality soul to embark themselves upon the never-ending journey inwards into Source .. the Triune Fountainhead of Existence.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I hold you in My Universal Heart

Verily do I hold you in My Universal Heart. Every individual is important and a significant member of the One Supremacy of the Christos.

I say to thee .. just now in this moment .. eternity dwells in thine midst. The Father is accessible and available to you now .. and in all moments.

The great fullness of God's Supremacy is present .. now .. with you to become identified with .. to become more intimately associated with.

Reach within the fullness of your loving heart to worship the One God .. to claim the Life Presence within you and all around you.

Enter into this Prayerful Intimacy with thine Personal God the Father .. God the Son .. and God the Spirit.

Deliver thyselves to his everpresent Grace...

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, April 9, 2018

Son Of Man Cometh

Knoweth the hour and its timely quotient for Truth to come knocking upon thine inner door. He does enter therein through the dignity of the front door.

Be ye His servant who opens wide the inlets of thine awareness.

Stand alert and unearth thine graven images of separation.

Suffer no longer thine perplexities of mind .. and take these thieves which bring to you confusions and doubts .. allow them to leave thine house through the doorways of your transfigurations.

Know what hour the thief would come. Watch with diligence and mind vigilance for his entrance.

Allow him not to enter and fill thine inner house with the poisons of his worldly manufactured solution.

Watch, wonder, willingly await...

The Lord thine God cometh through the silence. He seeps into thine earthly home by your attentiveness and devotions .. thine virtues of eternal contemplations and everlasting wonderings.

Be ye therefore ready; for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

Michael Of Nebadon

To Help You

Mine children .. believe that I am come into your planetary domain .. to help you arise into a more bountiful life in the here and the hereafter.

The Mother and I, we have observed and attended to your evolutionary progress from the beginnings. We have sought to cultivate your approach to the fuller Life of the Father who presides gracefully within thine terrestrial consciousness. He is the Life presence that you have within you, and which you are destined to become eternally one with.

Seek and aspire for truth and love; for these qualities are truly within your grasp. They are not far off away in a distant land, but thine capacity to behold thine godhood resides close by. Begin to learn of Our Virtues and Values and Vision for all creatures who aspire survival of personality, and the developing growth of their soul essence in alignment and purpose with the One God.

Aspire to reach the Higher Pastures which are filled to overflowing with Grace and Mercy. Draw into your human experience those Qualities of divine effulgence which ye shall find necessary to your advancement .. the evolutionary advance of thine earthly career as a personality soul and mind and body which seeks stability in the Father God .. which craves to climb the avenues of the adventures of service and security, sovereignty and sustenance in the One Life which I AM, and which ye shall bring forth into your own realized view.

I stand with the Host and the Mother Spirit of Nebadon.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

You Become His Soul Receptacle

Knoweth that I am the One who gives to thee the greater Life of the Father's Spirit Force as you become his soul receptacle.

I AM the Living Word who dwells with thee at all times. Mine Impulse motivates thee into action and activity.

Heareth My proclamations unto humanity...

The day cometh when each must obey My commandments; as I am the One sent to deliver you out from the evolutionary journey of darkness which you have been immersed within.

Those who do love Me and are obedient to My preceptual commands for their freedom .. these are few in number; while they who serve Mammon are as the numberless sands which comprise the beachheads of the world.

Beloveds .. I am come into My own who do recognize Me. I walk now ever in thy midst upon the passageways of your civilization.

I give out the Everlasting Essence of the Life of the Father to Mine seekers and disciples and apostles who uphold a clean demeanor and a  clear reverence for our progressive association of ascendancy.

These apostles attempt not to make a mockery of the Immaculate Spirit of Love.

They stand in My assurance that they shall find the Life I AM .. and that this very Life shall expand throughout themselves into fulfillment .. just as the ray's of sunshine  envelope the solar system giving warmth and light and making all things to grow into their potential.

Holy is the God Ideal of our Triune Parenthood.

Holy is the gift of thine God Life which ye are called forth to identify with .. to expand into ..  and to grow into consciousness.

I am strengthened by those who art prone to reject My coming into view.

I arise in thee as the Father's Sovereignty .. in all those personalities who venture towards truth and love untainted and untorn apart by the destructively misqualified emanations of the fallen ones.

Be of good cheer...

Be of goodly countenance and consideration...

Be of gladness in thine courage to seeketh My counsel in My Eternal Personhood .. and to always invite Me into your Prayerful Intimacy with the Father .. through the Truth Spirit of the Comforter which surrounds thee in every way and at all times of your journey.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, April 2, 2018

Keep Thine Alms for the Ascendancy

Verily .. do I instruct thine wits upon the promise of everlasting Life and Truth through the Way of God Victory .. the Truth of God Authority .. and the Life of Reciprocal Spiritual Communion of Prayerful Intimacy with the Life of the Father who Is and always will be.

Stand thee forth in thine developing righteousness of character choices. Plague not the atmosphere of the earthly with the unmeritorious vibrations of thy misqualified thoughts.

Be as My Sovereign Shepherd who hath ennobled thine field of influence with the expansion of God's Life and his Kingdom.

Stand ye forth in victory .. and in triumph .. bringing the Father's Order and Harmony into thine life and surrounding world. Giveth thine alms to charity, and thine will to God's capacity.

Let chastity of body, mind, and soul provoke thee unto advancements eternal.

Keep thine alms of ascendancy for developing thine nobleness of character and purity of heart and the heightened stature of mind ..  and thine intention of all these shall maketh of thee purity and holiness and righteousness ..  and joyfully happy in all thine days upon the earth shall te become.

I am come into the world to ignite its heritage .. and to invigorate thine search for the inheritance of the ages.

I am come in My Eternal Personhood .. Mine Universal Station wherein I guide and direct all the life given into My Care.

I am come to do obeisance unto those who showeth propensities of kingliness.

Mine precept is of Love for thee. Mine precept is the animating force bringing Light to thee.

These doctrines of Truth shall give thee ardor in mind and advancement of heart .. Mine wares shall elevate thine hunger and quench thine thirst which strives and seeks and searches sorrowfully for that which only the Father's Life can give you.

Ye are Mine handmaidens of the civilization who have gathered their motivations into the progressive attainment of freedom, and who art virtuous and victorious and perpetually overflowing with values everpotent and verities everlasting.

I am Michael Of this Universe .. thine Father Son .. and with the Universe Spirit and her Host do I portend thine vision.

I walk together with thee one with the Father's Life in thee .. and unto God's Supremacy.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Seek Me ...

Seek Me as I am today .. walking with you upon your planetary shores. I am a more modernized expression in this 21st century bestowal mission which I have taken upon My Persona.

Just as you choose to dress in the modern garb of the present era .. I choose to be in the more modernized garments of the 21st century Americas.

Yet .. I am with you in the carnal garment of your species .. to heal .. bless .. and prosper thee. To educate you in the ways of the heavenly things .. to enlighten you in your mortal faculties and creative nature .. and to illuminate thine mortal stature of personhood  into the immortal achievement of the Second Birth.

...and as ye art virtuous in thine character .. worthy in thine values and priorities and meanings .. so shall your relevance increase to Me .. your usefulness shall ripen and be rewarded .. your reverence shall mature into the necessary relationship values of eternity -  recognition, respect, responsibility, revelation, and only then, receptivity.

These values do find their root in the personality mind who ventures towards Our progressive order and the absolute advancement of their personality soul and spirit consciousness in the Kingdom.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Schools of our Local Universe

In the schools of our local universe .. the life of the soul engages in individual, group classes, and larger conference teachings upon the planetary spheres of the local systems galactic grooming spheres and the constellation educational spheres.

On these educational spheres wherein your universe fellowship is fostered .. you are becoming introduced to the Salvington culture.

There are a multitude of glorious opportunities to learn and grow in our universe schools .. and you are each becoming more fully established in the higher way of thinking and feeling and doing. You are ascribing to become more expertly trained in the mastery of your use of thoughts, words, and acts.

When you reach the constellation worlds, there are schools of ethics and administration and social adjustment. The universe is opening its doors to you as you are better acquainted with the way things are done. You are maturing into personality and divinity in ways unimaginable from the planetary age of your evolutionary history.

And as ye are becoming more learned as a perfectly blended personality with the Life of God the Father .. you are advanced further inwards to the universe headquarters worlds wherein you will enter the schools of philosophy, divinity, and pure spirituality which are the surroundingorbs of wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

Thine personhood is becoming increasingly blended with the Life of the God the Father, the values and virtues of the culture of eternity in our universe, and those inner gifts of your own personality begin to have a more pronounced expression in your service and brotherhood participation.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon